Consignment Tips
Top 10 Tips for Consignment Succe$$
- We are in business together. Remember, our store is selling YOUR goods. Share good things about our store and encourage EVERYONE you know to shop with us. Why? It’s simple. The more people who shop with us, the better chance we have of selling your items. If you tell ten people, and they each tell ten people, and so on, imagine the people who will be coming to our store and looking at BUYING YOUR ITEMS. Word of mouth is the best advertisement. Are you doing your part in our business arrangement to help get your items sold?
- Consign your items at the most advantageous times of the year. When people shop consignment, they usually buy what they can wear right away. Even though you may be very anxious to get rid of those unwanted items, remember, that leather jacket won’t be at the top of a shopper’s list in 75 degree weather. Look at your clothing and ask yourself, “Will this item be appropriate to wear in the months it is going to be available for purchase?” If the answer is no, then it’s better to wait and increase your chances of selling success.
- Consign the weather appropriate clothing at the beginning of each season. Take into consideration that your items will be on the sales floor for about 90 days. Plan ahead and get your items there in the beginning of each season to increase your chances of them being purchased. Many people like to make additions to their wardrobe at this time, not only because they’re looking for a fresh new look when the weather changes, they also want to be able to get as much wear from them as possible.
- Don’t become emotionally attached to your clothing. A lot of us become attached to clothing because of the experience and the price tag that went with it. This can hurt you in two ways. First: You may hold on to clothing too long and miss the consignment window. We accept clothing within two years old. Styles change quickly and people want clothing still within the current fashion trends. Second: What you think your items are worth and the reality of their resale value may be two different things. It may have been the hottest, most expensive trend two years ago, and you paid the price, but in reality, fashion and worth change very quickly.
- Look over your items carefully for stains, snags, holes, missing buttons, etc. Even though you may think it’s not a big deal, our shoppers do. Take care to make repairs if necessary and have your items look like new. When you can’t do this then it may be time to donate instead.
- Presentation, presentation, presentation. It may be clean and it may even be brand new, but if it’s wrinkled, it usually won’t sell. It’s probably psychological, but the reality is presentation is everything. Did you know that an item is perceived to have a higher value simply because it’s pressed?
- Make sure your clothing is free of smells. We can’t stress this enough. Even though consumers are aware that consigned items have been worn before, they don’t want to be reminded of it when they slip it on. Freshly launder your clothing items right before consignment. Smells can be picked up while in the home so the timing after laundering and dropping your clothing off for consignment is important.
- Tops verses bottoms. It’s a fact that we will sell ten tops to one pair of pants. So if you want the biggest return for your consigned items make sure to have a ratio of about twelve tops to three pairs of pants when you come in for your consignment appointments.
- Attend our events with some friends. At Eco Chic Boutique, we offer fun Ladies’ Night Out events to bring even more new customers to our store. Did you know that usually half the people who attend our events are experiencing our store for the very first time? That’s right! Our fun events are a great way to introduce new people to the Eco Chic experience. They usually have such a great time they can’t wait to come back with friends of their own.
- Share us on social media. Like us, follow us, and share us on Facebook and other forms of social media. Get the word out and get involved. We want to put tons of money in your pocket. The more people who know about us the more shoppers we will have and the more items we will sell for you. The more we sell the more YOU make!